Well, we have been here for a week now and are getting impatient to be getting on with familiarising ourselves with the island’s wonderful historical sites, but are being handicapped by having to get our infrastructure in place. Sounds very grand, but really means buying ironing boards/irons and finding supermarkets,
Food and drink cost less than at home, but any sort of gadget that has to be imported is hugely expensive – simple ironing board is €35! and bathroom scales €90!!
I am enjoying driving over here tho’ the hire car is not the sturdiest of beasts. Ours arrives around 15th and we have enlisted the help of the Malta agent of the transporting company to negotiate the nightmare of Maltese transport regulations. So that should go smoothly.
My harp arrived on Wednesday and is settling down now though she needed frequent retuning after the journey. so I can now get on with my practice. The apartment is all marble floors so the resonance is fabulous and playing and singing are a delight – for me if not my neighbours.
They seem nice and include a dentist, professor, TV producer/director and an airline pilot.
We are off tomorrow to the Strawberry Festival in Mgarr where all things strawberry happen, including a world-record sized cake – mind boggles!
No pictures as yet, but soon.